Sunday, June 24, 2012

College and the Autistic trainee

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Autism, a neurological-based developmental disability, affects an estimated one in 166 people, according to a 2004 study by the Centers for Disease operate Prevention. Both children and adults with Autism typically show difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication, collective interactions and relaxation or play activities, according to the Autism community of America. Autism affects individuals differently and to varying degrees.

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How is College and the Autistic trainee

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Experts agree on the following guidance upon detection of Autism:

1. Seek immediate rehabilitation for your child.

2. If possible, find someone to work with the child at least 20 hours a week, i.e. A therapist, teacher, parent, grandparent or someone from your church or group. Look for enlarge after one month.

3. Do not allow the child to sit and watch Tv all day. Get them engaged and play as many games as possible that require taking turns.

4. New parents learning they have an autistic child must recognize immediately that they cannot do it all by themselves. They should immediately taste Autism societies or chapters to find resources, join preserve groups and talk with other families about their experiences.

5. Help the child to organize their areas of strength, particularly among high-functioning students with Asperger's Syndrome (a neurobiological health characterized by general intelligence and language amelioration with deficiencies in collective and transportation skills), and get them job experiences during high school.

Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia is one of the few colleges in the Us that has a special agenda in their Autism Training Center, which works with Autism spectrum disorders like Aspergers. Although many colleges have counselors and staff well-known with Autism, only Marshall has a agenda tailored specifically for autistic students. The agenda serves three of the university's 16,360 students and may finally accommodate 10; it will remain small by choice.

"The goal is not for all students with Autism to attend Marshall, but for the agenda to come to be a model for other colleges," says Barbara Becker-Cottrill, the Center's director. "The true goal is for students to have the ability to attend the university of their choice. Our work will be working with other universities on how to organize a agenda such as this on their own campuses."

Kim Ramsey, the Marshall program's director, had this to say, "The qoute is, collective and daily living issues are interfering."

This is not to be confused with a special education program. Like all students, they must meet and assert the university's scholastic standards. The town offers tutoring, counseling, a quiet space to take exams, and help in the navigation of the bureaucracy and collective world of college, i.e. How to agenda classes, join clubs, buy books and replace Atm cards that don't work.

In a recent issue of the bimonthly, Asperger's Digest, Lars Perner, an assistant professor of marketing at San Diego State University who has Asperger's Syndrome, said, "How many college students have forms of Autism is impossible to decree as many go undiagnosed or are plainly perceived as a limited bit strange. The exact cause is unknown, although both genetics and environmental factors are suspected of playing a role. Some of these students might be able to get into college because of fairly strong scholastic credentials and a inexpensive scholastic showing. That may not mean they will be able to stay in college." Perner is also the author of a college choice guide.

Sadly, most autistic students either drop out or don't even apply to college because they have mystery with such tasks as doing all the paperwork, time management, taking notes and sitting for exams. Stephen Shore, who is finishing his doctoral degree in special education at Boston University and has been diagnosed with atypical amelioration with strong autistic tendencies, said, "More programs like Marshall's were needed. I think they would do much better and there would be a much higher rate of success if this type of agenda were ready elsewhere." However, as researchers learn more about Autism and collective school services for Autism improve, more autistic students will graduate from high school and be academically, socially and emotionally prepared for college.

College choice - Your amount One Priority

The following must be considered, but only after the family has visited the campus and is convinced their learner will be able to "survive" at that school:

1. Accommodations: If permissible accommodations are not made ready to the student, then it would be futile to attend that particular college.

2. Curriculum: Ideally, there will be enough areas of interest for the student.

3. Setting: Urban or rural, close to home or far away, and a large or small learner body are all issues that must be factored in.

4. Cost: Last but not least; like the 5th C when searching for that excellent diamond - is the cost. Paying for college is surely the easy part, because no matter what, you can borrow the money! And never lose sight of the fact that all the financial aid in the world is useless without that coveted admission ticket!

Some other criteria that should be particularly prominent for autistic students include:

1. A extremely structured scholastic program

2. A second-to-none disabilities services agenda (or its equivalent)

3. A willingness to be flexible

4. preserve for private needs and a centralized counseling center

Experience with Autism is helpful, but the most prominent characteristics of the disabilities services agenda and counseling town are the commitment to providing individualized preserve and a willingness to learn about each student's disability and needs. Because of the learning differences of students with high functioning Autism/Asperger's Syndrome, they often advantage from tutoring, organizational and personal preserve services.

Sometimes, a smaller school is easier for students who learn better in a smaller and quieter environment. For students who will find the degree of independence and society required for living at college to be intimidating, it can be helpful to live at home for the first year or two of college, and gradually make the transition to more independent living. Some colleges offer cooperative education programs, in which students alternate between taking scholastic courses and working in associated jobs. Such programs have the ability to help students scrutinize possible careers and organize critical work skills.

Academic assistance and Accommodations

In college, students are given the accountability of advocating for themselves. They can receive preserve from the disabilities services agenda or not, but they will have to be able to make many decisions for themselves.

In many colleges, the disabilities services agenda will write a letter to relevant professors indicating that a learner has a disability and may need special accommodations. This letter might be the student's accountability to give to the professor, or it might be sent out to each professor. In either case, it is then likely to be the student's accountability to supervene up with the professor and ask exact help.

Many students will need coaching and preserve in order to do this. Some counselors may be willing and able to help, others will not. In many instances, it will be critical and helpful to have a tutor. The disabilities service town will commonly be able to support with the required services.

Academic accommodations have been helpful as well as critical for some students with Asperger's High Functioning Autism because they need a limited longer to process data and organize responses. This can mean that they will take a limited longer in responding to questions in class and should receive the required extra time on quizzes, tests and exams. Due to difficulties in processing and screening sensory information, a distraction-free environment may be prominent for ongoing learning and for taking exams.

Seating is often prominent in lecture halls. Sitting at or close to the front and sometimes in the town of the row, can make it easier to hear and understand. Some students find it easier to sit near the front but in an aisle seat, so that they have a bit more room to spread out and are less likely to be bumped.

Seating is sometimes on a first-come, first served basis daily, or for the whole semester. If this is the case, students should get to their first class early, or try to make preparations in advance. Some professors prefer assigned seating for the whole semester. In that case, students may need to talk to the professor in order to arrange for their special seating needs.

Some professors comprise class participation as a component of the grade and require recitals in front of the class and/or working together as part of a group. Such class requirements can be provocative for students with difficulties in oral transportation or working together with others. In prospect of this, students should be advised to talk to the professor about their disability early in the semester in order to attain special accommodations, if necessary, and the preserve and insight of the professor which is all the time necessary.

Getting Organized

Most students with Autism spectrum disorders need clear, systematic organizational strategies for scholastic work and most likely for all other aspects of daily living. Calendars, checklists and other visual strategies for organizing activities should be industrialized with the student.

Course Selection

Many students with Asperger's/High Functioning Autism will excel in courses that draw on factual memory and/or visual perceptual skills. An intuitive consultant or consultant can help guide the learner to a curriculum that will capitalize on his or her strengths and interests.

The most difficult and provocative courses are those that require abstract verbal reasoning, flexible qoute solving, ample writing, or collective reasoning. Such courses may be critical to take, but could require extra time and support.

In her book, Pretending to be Normal, Liane Willey, an adult with Asperger's Syndrome, recommends taking courses in transportation and psychology in order to enhance collective insight and skills. "It is often wise," she advises, "to audit a procedure if it would take a long time to devotee the material."

A somewhat relaxed class load is often the best procedure of action, especially during the freshman year when all things is new. For some students, a reduced procedure load can help keep the stress levels more manageable.

A associated issue is that many students with Autism need extra time for reasoning about problems and for completing work. This means they will need more time than most students for reading and doing assignments. This should be taken into account in planning a student's procedure load so they will not be overwhelmed, which could have adverse consequences.

Social Groups and Activities

For some students, living on their own may be splendid as they often need more preserve than most freshmen for production collective connections. All campuses have organized collective groups and activities. Most students with high functioning Autism/Asperger's will enjoy participating in some of these, but will need guidance with finding the right groups and introductions.

Always consider the student's strengths and interests when finding for groups and activities. It might be beneficial to have someone, possibly an older student, a mentor or consultant point out groups that would be of interest and help with the first steps of becoming a participant. It may also be possible to mobilize other resources straight through learner Services, residence advisors and service organizations on campus.

Dorm Life

For many students with high functioning Autism, it is preferable to have a particular room. This will supply a sanctuary where they can operate their environment, focus on their work and daily activities without distraction, and not be forced to engage in collective interaction all the time. Having a roommate can be extremely stressful, and most experts agree that to be without one initially is the best choice. However, it is strongly recommended to have a mentor nearby.

When the learner is in agreement, it can be helpful to clue the residence staff of their disability and the areas in which preserve may be needed. It is best if the learner can discuss their disability with peers. It can also be helpful to meet with other students in adjacent rooms to discuss why their behavior may appear to be odd at times.

The Daily 9-5

It will prove most helpful to recognize the likely pitfalls and supply the learner with written guidelines and checklists in addition to enlarge making ready and training. The following are varied aspects of daily life on the mean college campus.

1. Meal plans and their rules; where to eat at non-meal times

2. Laundry

3. Spending money; budgeting

4. Using a campus Id and/or charge card

5. Dorm rules

6. Handling fire drills at any hour, especially in the middle of the night

7. Using collective bathrooms

8. Transportation

9. Campus maps

10. Locating security personnel

11. finding rest rooms

12. Using an alarm clock

13. Campus mail, e-mail and instant messaging usage

14. Library hours and how to get help from a librarian, and for that matter, whatever else

15. Lecture hall procedures

16. learning about and participating in dorm activities

17. learner health services

18. Medical, non-medical emergencies and non-emergency procedures

19. First aid and how to take care of oneself during a minor illness (including how to get liquids and food when they're under the weather)

20. finding time for bodily practice is prominent for many, not only for health reasons but also to help with stress management.

Plan Far In Advance

Thinking about these issues years in enlarge is necessary; doing something about it is mandatory! As part of the Individualized education Plan process, each learner should have a transition plan to learn the skills critical for college. Many prominent skills that will facilitate success in college can be taught and practiced at home and while the learner is still in high school. It is prominent that the learner understand what his or her learning needs are, and the types of accommodations that will be helpful.

In college, students will probably find it helpful to talk to advisors and professors about these issues. This will be easier to do when it has been practiced in the more supportive environment of the home and the high school. At home, high school students should be learning and practicing daily living and independence skills so they will be able to be victorious in college...

For further data about Autism and to view country artist Mark Leland's emotionally expensed video, "Missing Pieces," a song for Autism, please visit [], and the following:

The Paris database contains details of all colleges known to The National Autistic community that cater for students with autistic spectrum disorders. It is ready at and is updated regularly. If you require further data please taste the Nas data Centre.
Tel: + 44 (0)20 7903 3599 or 0845 070 4004. College financial aid for disabled students.

A Few Resources

There are brief discussions of college-related topics in Liane Willey's book, Pretending to be Normal, and in A Parent's Guide to Asperger Syndrome & High-Functioning Autism, by Sally Ozonoff, Geraldine Dawson, and James McPartland.

Aquamarine Blue 5: Personal Stories of College Students with Autism, edited by Dawn Prince-Hughes, has 12 essays and an appendix of tips. A recent addition is Succeeding in College with Asperger Syndrome: A learner Guide, by John Harpur, Maria Lawlor, and Michael Fitzgerald.

Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, One of their many beneficial articles, Eric Ec discharge #E620, is "Selecting a College for Students with learning Disabilities or attentiveness Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd)."

A web site from the United Kingdom, University Students with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome, has many helpful links and some provocative articles by university students with Autism spectrum disorders.

North Carolina State University has a beneficial guide on transitioning from high school to college on their web site. Edmonds community College and the University of Washington Autism Center.

Experts On The Subject

Dr. Ami Klin,

Dr. Klin is the Harris associate Professor of Child psychology and Psychiatry at the Yale Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine, and Yale - New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Ct. He obtained his Ph.D. From the University of London, and completed post-doctoral fellowships in developmental psychopathology at the Yale Child Study Center. He coordinates psychological evaluations at the Yale Child Study town Developmental Disabilities Clinic, and the diagnostic, neuropsychological, and collective cognitive assessments of three large, federally-funded agenda projects focused on behavioral and neurobiological aspects of Autism and associated conditions. Dr. Klin is also Chief of psychology at the Child Study Center.

His research activities focus on psychological and biological mechanisms impacting on socialization, particularly as these mechanisms are expressed in individuals with Autism and associated severe collective disabilities. These studies comprise novel techniques such as the new eye-tracking laboratory that allows researchers to see the world straight through the eyes of individuals with Autism, as well as to measure their patterns of viewing of naturalistic collective situations. He is the author of over 80 publications in the field of Autism and associated conditions. He is also the co-editor (with Drs. Fred Volkmar and Sara Sparrow) of a textbook on Asperger Syndrome, published by Guilford Press, and the third edition of the Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Disorders.

Carol Gray,

President of the Gray Center, Gray initiated and industrialized the use of collective Stories with students with autistic spectrum disorders, and has written some articles, resources and chapters on the subject. Gray co-authored the first article describing collective Stories, entitled collective Stories: enhancing Responses of Students with Autism with precise collective Information, published in Focus on Autistic Behavior in April of 1993. Shortly thereafter, Gray edited the first book of collective Stories, The former collective Story Book (1993), followed by New collective Stories (1994), which is now under the title, The New graphic collective Story Book (revised 2000).

Gray has written some chapters on the topic of collective Stories, including: Teaching Children with Autism to "Read" collective Situations, in Teaching Students with Autism, Methods to enhance Learning, Communication, and Socialization, a text edited by Dr. Kathy Quill (1995, Delmar Publishers Inc.); collective Assistance, in Higher Functioning Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism, edited by Dr. Ann Fullerton (1996, Pro Ed Inc.); and collective Stories and Comic Strip Conversations, in Asperger Syndrome or High Functioning Autism? a text in the Current Issues in Autism series, edited by Dr. Eric Schopler, Dr. Gary Mesibov, and Dr. Linda Kunce (1998, Plenum Press).

Most recently, Gray has edited My collective Stories Book, a range of collective Stories specifically written for young children. In addition, Gray has extensively researched the topic of bullying. Gray's Guide to Bullying looks at bullying as it relates to habitancy with Asd (The Morning News, winter 2000, spring 2001 & summer 2001). She has also worked on a curriculum to teach students how to avoid violence.

Gray has industrialized a range of other resources addressing further topics associated to the education of children and adults with autistic spectrum disorders. She is the author of What's Next? Educating Students for Success in the community (1992), Taming the Recess Jungle (1993), and Comic Strip Conversations: Colorful, graphic Interactions with Students with Autism and associated Disorders (1994). She is also the editor of The Jenison Autism Journal (formerly The Morning News), an international newsletter that shares data among those working on behalf of individuals with autistic spectrum disorders. Gray is the recipient of the 1995 Barbara Lipinski Award for her international gift to the education of children with autistic spectrum disorders.

Stephen Shore,

Diagnosed with "Atypical amelioration with strong autistic tendencies" Stephen Shore was viewed as "too sick" to be treated on an inpatient basis and recommended for institutionalization. Nonverbal until four, and with much help from his parents, teachers and others, Stephen Shore completed his doctoral degree in special education at Boston University with a focus on helping habitancy on the Autism spectrum organize their capacities to the fullest extent possible.

In addition to working with children and talking about life of the Autism spectrum, Stephen presents and consults internationally on adult issues pertinent to education, relationships, employment, advocacy, and disclosure as discussed in his book Beyond the Wall: Personal Experiences with Autism and Asperger Syndrome and numerous articles. He also serves on the board of the Autism community of America, as board president of the Asperger's association of New England and is on the Board of Directors for Unlocking Autism, the Autism Services association of Ma and the Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the Us.

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