Saturday, June 30, 2012

6 Elements of Wellness

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6 Elements of Wellness

We often feel that if we are not ill then we have wellness. I personally believe that there is more to wellness than just not being sick. First believe me that I really do not know everything, we'll leave that for the teenagers. The following description is more about the way I view life and the way I view Wellness. It is virtually all my view and you are free to agree or disagree with all or part, but if it makes you think about your own wellness and helps you rate your own elements of wellness then it is well worth it.

6 Elements of Wellness

When I speak of wellness I speak of more than just having a salutary body. True wellness to me includes balance in the following six elements.

First is Fitness. That is corporal fitness or we could say corporal wellness. How well are you physically? The terms wellness and fitness are sometimes used interchangeably. I would definitely disagree with that. You can have a man that is very fit but quite unhealthy. I read not long ago where a pro basketball player who was very physically fit died on the court because he had a heart condition. I would say that a man with a heart health does not fit being well. He had fitness but not wellness.

You cannot however have wellness without at least some estimate of fitness. That does not mean that you have to be able to run a marathon, play pro basketball or even ride a motorcycle 100 miles in a day as I often do. That naturally means you have to be fit sufficient to get your straight through a normal workday. There are many that have problem doing that, population with what is known as fibromyalgia or those with continuing fatigue syndrome often have a great deal of question just development it straight through the day.

But as I said before true total wellness revolves for me at least nearby 6 parameters or elements. The first we have just examined is the corporal wellness or fitness. Here is how I define corporal wellness. It is the potential to apply knowledge, motivation and commitment toward achieving a goal of being physically salutary and fit. This may require removing destructive behavior such as smoking, overeating, drinking, doing drugs or any estimate of other incorrect behaviors while replacing them with behavior that is beneficial to your life and living. corporal wellness would be enhanced by improving your diet and your practice agenda as well.

Social Wellness is the second element in my 6 elements theory. Group wellness I define as the potential to interact with others, compose and profess relationships and have friendships that last and enhance the potential of your live. My wife and I have been married for 36 years and will celebrate our 37th on September 18, 2007. If you look at some of the things we have done with our lives you may or not be impressed, but we did many of them naturally because we wanted to let population know where we stand and what we stand for. population that are socially well have friends they may not even know about. In 2000 and again in 2005 I did motorcycle rides for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. In late 2006 I was injured in a motorcycle crash when I had to stop suddenly for a small child that ran into the road. The Cff population in Atlanta heard about it and sent me a get well card signed by the office staff and the coordinators. I do not know half of the names on the card, but they know me and Ruth. Socially well population are also active in the community, perhaps church groups, book clubs or even the accommodation of Commerce.

The third element in my system is Spiritual Wellness. My grandfather was a Cherokee Indian. He was not my grandfather by blood but the only grandpa I ever knew. He was very "spiritual" and often told stories. I recently met a man named "Eagle Feather" that reminds me a great deal of my Grandpa "Gus." Of course Gus died many years ago not long after I returned from the Navy. Spiritual wellness means to me to compose your beliefs, values and actions, as well as lifetime goals, clear the mind and listen to your own thoughts. Riding the motorcycle helps me a great deal with that. It is said that Einstein himself came up with the system of relativity while riding his bike. I am not Einstein but I do come up with some pretty good ideas when riding. It clears the mind and allows a free flow of information, sometimes.

The fourth element is Emotional wellness. Some population are on emotional roller coaster. To some degree we must deal with anyone life deals out. We cannot all the time operate what life throws at us but we can all the time operate how we react to it. We should learn how to deal with stress in a obvious manner.

The fifth is intellectual wellness. We need to be able to adapt to varied situations. We should all the time be expanding our knowledge. My father all the time told me that the day he stopped studying would be the day he died. I have to believe he was right, he passed away in 1978, he was born in 1900, and he worked oil fields in Texas, railroads in the Midwest and operated a very successful radio description player fix shop in Ohio. He was probably one of the most spirited men I knew and he got all the way to the 8th grade in school. He was big on schooling for me and my brother, and was very upset when my sister quit school. Intellectual wellness doesn't mean you need to be a genius, it just means that you open your mind are not afraid of studying new things and never be afraid of development a mistake. Embrace new ideas but ask them too; it is also ok to ask established ideas. Remember once all the most great scientists view the earth was flat and the sun revolved nearby the earth. I remember reading that Alexander Graham Bell was jailed for trying to raise money for a new hair brained worthless invention called the "telephone" and Edison was thrown out of school because he was "too dumb to learn" or something like that.

The 6th and to some the most important is financial wellness. This is also the most elusive for many of us. When we think we have our finances under operate an accident comes up that causes us to borrow money and get us in debt. One man told me that 85% of the population of the Us was one illness away from going bankrupt. I would say based on my knowledge and my own financial health that this is probably a low estimate. With the estimate of reputation card debt that most Americans carry and the cost of hospitals and assurance it would seem that financial safety is a very elusive element. It is one we should all strive for none the less. We should all start some sort of savings and seclusion plan. It might be something straight through our jobs if we have one or if we are self employed we should set up anyone type of venture accounts that the government will allow. We should set a goal to pay off all of our bills and live on the money we make, not on reputation then work toward that goal.

There you have my six elements of wellness theory. Virtually everything in your life will fit into one or more of the six elements. You can if you wish also add sub elements under each element. Each of these elements has obvious differences but they work together in a synergistic fashion so that he whole is bigger than the mixture of it parts. They all complement each other and if you do not have wellness in all factions then you will not have true "wellness"

Disclaimer: Nothing in this description should be construed as medical advice.It is in case,granted for informational purposes only. If you are ill or injured see a former healthcare provider as soon as possible. If the injury or illness is severe go to the nearest accident Room

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